My education and training include:

  • 200 hour Hatha Yoga Certification from Triguna Yoga, at Dhyan Mandir Ashram in Rishikesh, India. (2020)

  • Usui Reiki Level 2 Certification with Angela Greer in Louisville, KY. (2021)

  • Yogastha Sadhana practice with Todd Geiser and Karley Lott at Dharma Meghah Yoga Shala in Louisville, KY. (2022)

  • 1 Month Ashtanga Vinyasa Intensive with Laruga Glaser at Purple Valley Yoga Center in Goa, India. (2023)

  • Certificate of Completion in “Applied Stretching Theory and Practice" through StretchLab. (2023)


Lilly Smith

Practicing yoga has completely changed me. It has shown me my potential; mentally and physically. It reminds me to feel love and compassion for myself and others. It helps me feel comfortable in my own skin. It increases my capacity for joy and connection by relieving stress, and gives me all the tools I need to move through the barriers and challenges of daily life with a greater sense of awareness and ease.

After my first yoga teacher training I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to exploring the depths of yogic practices and sharing them with others. I was exposed to so many new forms of release through breath, sound, and movement that showed me how capable I am of releasing emotional weight that I was unknowingly holding onto. I hope through our work together I will be able to equip you with a yoga practice to feel strong in your ability to face life with confidence and clarity.

“I have been working with Lilly for a few months now, and I can absolutely say that my work with her has been transformative. Lilly consistently creates a safe space in which I am able to reconnect to my body, and find my own personal limits of strength and flexibility through her guidance. Lilly’s focus on breath and body work, as well as emotional and mental well-being makes her practice especially powerful. She is a sensitive and intuitive teacher. I believe Lilly has the potential to be a major leader in the Louisville yoga community.”

— Laura Atkinson