About Yoga Asana


What is Yoga Asana?

Asana = posture / pose / position

“Asana means a state of being in which one can remain physically and mentally steady, calm, quiet, and comfortable… In Raja Yoga, asana refers to the sitting position (for meditation), but in Hatha Yoga it means something more. Asanas are specific body positions which open the energy channels and psychic centres. They are tools to higher awareness and provide a stable foundation for our exploration of the body, mind, breath, and beyond. The hatha yogis also found that by developing control of the body through asana, the mind is also controlled.”

- from Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Lilly specializes in Hatha Yoga, where physical postures (asanas) are at the forefront of the practice.

“My goal is to guide my clients to a state of relaxation and connection with their bodies so that physical, mental, and emotional healing can take place. I view yoga asana as a way to calm the mind by working with the body. During yoga asana practice, we simultaneously strengthen the body while becoming more flexible. We become more coordinated and aware as our mind-body connection is strengthened. Strengthening this connection allows us to live a life of deeper intention. We heed the wisdom of our bodies gained from our yoga practice, then make decisions based on the knowledge we gain. Increasing our awareness and sensitivity to our body’s signals allows us to make informed life decisions based on what would serve our highest good; physically, mentally, and spiritually. My aim is to create a safe space for people to open up and explore their mind-body safely, with emphasis on breath and alignment. Ultimately, I believe yogic practices are tools for self realization and actualization. And I want everyone to experience that.”